Friday, November 18, 2011

Occupy your own center

Various friends of mine, the occasional pundit on tv, my next door neighbor yesterday......they all keep asking what is the clear demand of the Occupy movement participants.  Something about the question keeps triggering me. So rather than attribute it to some genetic predisposition towards chaos inherited from my anarchist Italian grandfather, I’ve started to wonder….....

I think I get irritated by the question because it is my belief that an emergent collectively informed movement cannot have a 'clear demand list' until it has had time to test its ideals against the realities of the societal and political system of which it is a part of. And because rather than defering responsibility to 'them', this sort of movement provides each of us with an opportunity to rediscover our own core responsibility.

I see the Occupy 'movement' at one level as simply demanding that we each wake up and think about what is and what is not right in a healthy society. And from that thoughtful awareness, take what action would be more aligned with our values. And to me, that root cause 'demand' is both powerful and a hell of a lot more demanding of me/us personally, and collectively than simply considering whether I support the Occupy movement or the status quo.

So what if ‘their’ essential demand were that we should each stop worrying about their demand list and instead consider what it would take for each of us individually to fully Occupy our own mind, heart, spirit, body? and out of that place of center, what would we then be like when interacting with others who share our neighborhood, our countries, our world? And how often are we really in that state of being with ourselves and one another? And how often do we want to be?

Just musing....